Promote your Facebook page with a look-alike contest

duluth trading co.'s paul bunyan look-alike contest

The next time you needed a fun promotion for a new product or service, or an upcoming event, consider a look-alike contest, one of the 35 Ways to Promote Your Facebook Page.

Important: You must use a third-party app to run your contest, one of 9 tips for running successful Facebook contests.   

I love the Duluth Trading Co.’s Paul Bunyan Look-alike Contest on their page.  

Chaplin the Musical also just completed a Chaplin Instagram Look-alike Contest, also supported on its Facebook page.

Here are six ideas for creating a look-alike contest as part of a PR campaign:

  1. To promote a book. Authors, are you launching a new book with an interesting character on the cover?
  2. To promote an upcoming festival. The Florida Keys Tourism Council sponsored a “Papa Hemingway Look-alike Contest” on its Facebook page.  “The winner was Richard Costello, a 71-year-old restaurateur from Massachusetts. 
  3. To draw attention to a character associated with your brand. Example: Larry, the Quaker, who’s shown on the container of Quaker Oats. Or bald-as-a-bean Mr. Clean.
  4.  When a celebrity is coming to town. The Des Moines Register sponsored a Justin Bieber Look-alike Contest, and gave away two tickets to the show.
  5.  To draw attention to your business and tie into an upcoming holiday. Emeritus Senior Living sponsored a Mother-Daughter Look-Alike Contest, though I couldn’t find the winner on their Facebook page.  
  6. When you’re promoting anything to do with animals, particularly dogs. This is a great idea for humane societies and pet stores. For inspiration, watch this video of kids that look like their dogs. 


What other ideas can you think of for a fun look-alike contest? 

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  • Marion Zola

    Thanks Joan. That dog and owner idea is a good one. I’ll use it.

    • Joan

      Glad I could help!