Prepare for the mobile gold rush with your new mobile site on cell phone In the last several issues of my newsletter, I’ve been writing about the gold rush that’s about to occur in the world of mobile marketing.

Imagine you’re in San Francisco in 1848, but you’re the only one with a gold-sifting pan.  That’s what mobile marketing is like right now.

It IS a little like the Wild West, and Dan Hollings is the new sheriff in town. He’s the creator of StomperMobile, the 10-week class that meets for the third time at 7 p.m. Eastern tonight. We’re only in Week 3, and it isn’t too late for you to register. More about that in a minute.
In only two short weeks, after only two classes, I’ve created my own mobile website, one of three primary URLs I’ll use in my mobile marketing campaigns.  
After managing my traditional websites and blogs for almost 10 years, I had to shift mental gears and understand that building a mobile site and marketing to people on their cell phones is completely different than marketing to them in the ways that feel most comfortable for me.
Why mobile marketing is so powerful
Here are the two biggest (and most profitable) reasons to pan for mobile gold:
First, of all the people who give you permission to send text messages to them on their mobile phones, about 95 percent will open the message. Ninety-five percent!  Publishers of ezines are lucky if their open rate is 10 percent.
It gets even better.
The response rate runs between 35 and 55 percent. That means about half the people who received your message will do what you want them to do: click on a link, use a coupon,  call your office, access a free special report, stop by your store for hot bagels that just came out of the oven, or reach for their credit card.
Dan says there are more mobile phones on the planet than credit cards, cars or PCs. And within two years, he says, one in three people who search online will be searching from a mobile phone. That means that one-third of the potential traffic that you can drive to a business or to your site will be coming from mobile search.  You need to learn the strategies for getting yourself listed in mobile directories and locations.
It takes an average 52 minutes to build and publish a very basic mobile site, without all the bells and whistles. But building it is just the beginning. Tonight, we’ll learn about text messaging, including the Big Four success secrets that are rarely understood, even by technical experts. And what we learn, we can teach.
Teach it to others
You know how they always say that the folks that made the most money in the gold rush were the ones that were selling picks and shovels?  Well, a big part of the StomperMobile training will be to teach you EXACTLY how to provide mobile marketing services to clients whether you’re  a book coach, a PR pro, or a web developer. Dan is  encouraging us to add mobile marketing to our consulting services, which I plan to do.
Smart Publicity Hounds already know that more than half of the social media activity takes place on mobile phones. And they’re incorporating mobile into their publicity and PR programs.
You can too.
The StomperMobile course is closed to the public, but as a StomperNet affiliate, I can sell a special Back-door Pass to you for $1,797, and I receive a commission.
How to get started
If you start tonight, you can spend just a day or two getting caught up.  Dan recorded the first two webinars, which you can access from a password-protected site, along with killer handouts that include 28 mobile traffic strategies, 7 worksheets designed to help you identify the best opportunities for a mobile marketing campaign in your business, and the dozens of questions he is personally answering in the forums, for members only.
On Saturday, he threw in a special two-hour webinar devoted only questions and answers.
The program comes with a 30-day, no-risk, money-back guarantee.
Take a look at my site, and you’ll get an idea of a few really cool features:
  • A “click to call” link. StomperMobile students will even get their own 800 number as part of the course.
  • Widgets that let you use PayPal on your mobile site.
  • Links to your social media profiles.
  • Opt-in forms so you can subscribe people to your ezine, or just bring them into your funnel.
  •  “Tell a Friend” forms.
  • I’ve even include a smattering of dog jokes, quotes and videos taken right from my newsletter. (No need to create new content!)

Stay tuned for some cool offers that I’ll throw your way—for mobile subscribers only, of course. 

Comments (5)
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  • Christine Buffaloe

    I know I will be adding this to my list of services that I provide at

    This is going to take web pages and internet marketers to an even higher level.

    Thanks Joan for passing this along.

    Christine Buffaloe
    Serenity VA Services

    • Joan

      Not just web pages and Internet marketers, Chris.

      Bricks-and-mortar businesses, even those without a website, can really profit from mobile marketing. Example: A bakery sends a text message to its followers, telling them they want them to taste-test a new brand of jelly donuts. They text a secret word to their followers and tell the followers to bring in their mobile phones with that word on it, and they get a free donut.

  • Sara

    Yep every one is talking about mobile stuff… but i think it is still going to take a few years till it starts to hiting it really big

    • Joan

      I think you might be right. But that’s all the more reason to jump on this mobile marketing opportunity RIGHT NOW, while most other people are clueless about its potential.

  • Lexie Wilkinson

    is there a sort of internet bookmark for Mobile Webistes?’;`