Piggyback onto the Royal Wedding with 70+ story ideas

Publicity guy Jerry Brown says the Royal Wedding on April 29, between Prince William and Kate Middelton, is the perfect opportunity for Publicity Hounds to “use headlines to make headlines.”

He’s right.

So here are my story ideas—yours for the taking.  Authors who write about the topics below and speakers whose topics tie in should also be pitching.

If your story has visuals, it might be perfect for your local TV station. See “How to Get onto the Local TV News Tomorrow” and get dozens of pitching tips from TV producer Shawne Duperon. 

  • The happy couple has been dating for eight years.  Does a long courtship mean a happier marriage? 
  • Does the kind of fish bowl they’ll be living in make it easier or harder to have a happy marriage? Marriage counselors and therapists can offer their views.
  • How much fun is it, really, to be a bridesmaid, especially in weddings in which the bride thinks she’s Cinderella and deserves the best of everything? If a good friend asks, and you absolutely cannot afford it, what should you do? Are there options? Wedding and etiquette experts can weigh in.
  • Are today’s brides spoiled?  I got married on the back deck of our Wisconsin farmhouse, with the smell of cow manure wafting in the spring air.  And the 15 of us had a blast piling into four cars and driving through our tiny town honking our horns with tin cans tied to the back of the car and clanging on the street.  What kinds of wedding extravagances, either for the ceremony or the reception, are putting parents in the poor house?  Financial advisors, this one’s controversial. But the media love controversy.
  • Do a Google search for “the royal wedding” and you’ll find dozens more of ideas you can steal.
  • Or check out Time magazine’s Royal Wedding coverage with links to more than 70 related stories, some of which may job an idea or two.

Are you pitching a story related to the wedding, or do you have a story idea for someone else? Share it here.

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  • wedding pr

    We enjoyed a national tv audience at my Royal Wedding Viewing party- such a great PR opportunity for wedding pros. Once in a lifetime!