How to Sell POD Books or License Ebooks to Libraries

Woman sitting among a stack of books

Did you know that libraries don’t buy ebooks but that you have a chance to make big money from libraries that will lend your book to patrons?

Instead of buying ebooks, libraries actually license them on a per borrow or fixed-term basis.

This fact can be very profitable for authors and publishers who know how to license their books within this system.

And that’s what tomorrow’s free webinar with Amy Collins and Daniel Hall will teach you. It’s at 4 p.m. Eastern Time and it’s called “Sell (and Rent) Your Books To Libraries: Cashing In On The Secret Library Passive Income Opportunity.”

Grab your free seat here.

The reason this can be so lucrative for you is because you get paid each time someone checks out your ebook.

The more your book is checked out, the more you can get paid!

Practically no self publishers know how to access this library system. But tomorrow—Thursday, April 7—you’ll see the step-by-step process of how libraries buy POD books and license ebooks from independent authors and publishers like you.

That’s right, this opportunity is not just about ebooks. Libraries will also buy (though not license) your POD books which can also be very lucrative.

So even if you have to rearrange your schedule, you need to be on the call at 4 Eastern Time. Register here.

You will learn:

  • The step-by-step process of how libraries buy POD books and license ebooks from independent author and publishers like you.
  • Why selling to libraries is a perfect marketing strategy for Kindle authors
  • What fiction and non-fiction genres sell best to libraries and why it doesn’t matter what genre your book is in.
  • How it’s possible to “rent” your ebook to libraries for up to 8 times the price that you would “sell” your book on Amazon… and do it over and over again.
  • The easy 20-minute activity that allows you to become recognized as an approved library ebook vendor.

Bring your questions. Amy and Daniel will answer them. And feel free to share this link with your Facebook and LinkedIn author groups:

Authors & PublishersBook MarketingEbooks
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