How to handle rejection from journalists when doing PR

When you pitch a story to a reporter, and the reporter isn’t interested, it’s easy to become dejected and embarrassed, and conclude that your publicity campaign has come to a screeching halt.

That would be a big mistake.

Pick yourself up. Brush yourself off. And move on!

That’s what I told an author this week when I presented a webinar for the Independent Book Publishers Association on 17 Story Ideas Authors & Publishers Can Pitch Tomorrow for Publicity. 

At the end of my presentation, she asked, “How do you handle rejection?” Here are five tips for doing just that:

1. Don’t take it personally.

The reporter who isn’t interested in your story idea probably doesn’t  think you’re a bad person. It could be that the idea simply isn’t a good fit. Or he’s covering for somebody who is out sick and he’s too busy right now. Pitch it to someone else whose audience needs to hear what you’re offering.

2. Ask, “May I help with any other stories you’re researching or writing?”

Sometimes journalists and bloggers want to cover a certain topic, but they don’t have time to do the research, and the idea ends up on the back burner permanently. This happens to me occasionally. If a journalist knows you could be a valuable source for his next article, he’ll want to stay in touch. 

3. Ask, “Is there any other way I can help you?”

Let’s say you’re pitching an idea to a blogger, and she isn’t interested because she wrote something very similar to it last week. Ask her if she needs your help with anything else. She might have an idea for a guest blog post she’d like you to write. But you’d never know unless you asked.

4. Offer yourself as a source.

Invite her to call on you if she needs sources, background, commentary, story ideas or anything else in your area of expertise. Chances are pretty good she’ll add you to her database of sources.

5. Ask if you can submit photos, video or other materials after an event.

If you let journalists know about an event you’re hosting, but they don’t cover it, consider offering them photos, video, an op-ed, tips, a letter to the editor, or any other material afterward. Local TV stations, newspapers and other media often welcome things like for their websites. And remember, if it’s online, it might stay there forever.

2 Things You Should Never Do

After pitching, don’t ask, “Are you on any of the social media sites?” You should already know the answer, if you’ve done your homework. If you know a report is Twitter or Facebook, you can ask if they’d like you to pitch ideas there, or do it privately.

Also, never try to change a journalist’s mind about a story idea. They know their audience and what the media outlet already has covered. You don’t. 

Those are my ideas. What are your best tips for handling rejection in a PR campaign?  

(Photo by pakorn at   

Media RelationsPitch Media
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  • Tina

    Wow–I had no idea my question would spark such a great post! Thanks for sharing, these are really helpful!

    • Joan

      I’m so glad you asked it, Tina. Thanks for participating in the webinar and for stopping by to comment.