How Einstein Bros. Bagels exploded its Facebook fan base

einstein bros. bagels Facebook fan pageIf you couldn’t access the article I mentioned in Tuesday’s newsletter about how Einstein Bros. Bagels is using its Facebook Fan page, it’s because Ragan Communications moved the article to its paid membership site after 48 hours.

I begged them to keep it in the public area of their site, and they agreed.  The article explains how a coupon campaign on Einstein’s Fan page in January exploded its Fan base from 7,000 to more than 405,000.  Read how they did it.

Then develop a strategy for your own Facebook Fan Page.  If you’re like most people who are new to Facebook, you find the site confusing.  So did I until I invited Christine Buffaloe, my virtual assistant, to present a teleseminar on 11 Ways to Avoid Missed Opportunities on Facebook.

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