Half-off coupon within ‘Best of’ ebook expires tonight

totw-coversThe half-off coupon good for more than a dozen of my most popular products expires at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time tonight.

You can find the coupon code sprinkled throughout the free ebook, “The Best of The Publicity Hound’s Tips of the Week.” It’s a compilation of my best 26 email tips from last year and you can download it from that page or use the handy app we created that will let you read it on your mobile phone or tablet.

Here’s a taste of what you’ll learn from the ebook about attracting attention for yourself:

  • No money to publish a book or launch a product? Learn 9 reasons you should use crowdfunding, a way to get financial help from friends and strangers. 
  • Can’t make money from your blog? Use the same simple tool used by a blogger and freelance writer for prestigious publications like Wired UK, The Atlantic and the New York Times.
  • Too few product sales from your website? I’ve got tips for taking better product photos that will help drive sales. You can use these same photos for your press releases too.
  • Pitching into a big black hole? I’ll tell you the very best ways to pitch top-tier media when they won’t take your phone calls. (No, it isn’t email.)
  • Can’t get a journalist to bite on a story idea? Learn how to make a journalist say “yes” to your pitch by doing what 9 out of 10 other people who are pitching don’t do.
  • Trying for months to encourage a big magazine to feature your product? My free ebook explains the one thing magazine editors say you must have if you want product publicity. They’re begging for this.
  • Can’t follow up your pitches because you don’t want to annoy journalists and bloggers? You’ll learn 5 reasons you should follow up,  despite what they tell you.
  • Finding it difficult to use photos to tell your story? I’ll give you ideas for using “before and after photos” in a publicity campaign, a super idea for nonprofits and small business owners.
  • Do you struggle with writing? I share a free online tool that will analyze your press releases, blog posts, articles and any other type of writing and tell you how to improve them.
  • Frustrated with Facebook but not ready to abandon the world’s most popular social media site? You’ll learn where to find almost three dozen killer Facebook tips, most of which are free.

Go here to find out more about how to access the free ebook and your half-off coupon.

If you’re struggling with a publicity dilemma, drop me a line and I’ll try to help.

BloggingCrowdfundingPhotos & GraphicsPitching the Media
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