Google+ no longer optional, it’s mandatory to rank high

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If you’re not on Google+ yet, or you’re on it but not doing much with it, consider these sobering facts:

  • Google+ is now the backbone of Google. Its profiles and content are now a very important part of Google’s new search algorithm. If a competitor is on Google+ and sharing content, and you aren’t, and all other things are equal, chances are good your competitor will rank higher than you.
  • When deciding where to focus your time and effort, Google+ beats out Facebook and Twitter. (See the next three items.)
  • Only two years after launching, Google+ already has 90 million active users, compared to the 100 million that Twitter has racked up in seven years.
  • Facebook is a closed platform, and its “friending” model isn’t anything like real-life situations.
  • Facebook blocks Google from indexing Facebook content, on purpose, and putting it on equal ground with Google+ results.

Social media strategist BL Ochman says, “Content is, indeed king, and any brand that isn’t producing content on Google+ that people want to read is going to find itself without traffic, fans, or—soon—sales.”

Join BL and me when I host a webinar at 4 p.m. Eastern Time on Thursday, May 9, on “Why Google+ Matters to Your Business and How to Use it Wisely.”

Register today even if the time doesn’t work for you. I’m recording it, and you’ll get the recording within 72 hours after the call.

Building TrafficFree Social Media ToolsGoogle+SEOSocial Media Trends
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