N.Y. ‘dress better’ workshops for women need publicity ideas

Woman measuring hips with measuring tapeCathy Berger of Roslyn, New York, writes:

I keep having to cancel events because I don’t have enough paid registrations.

I have a live, hands-on “dress better” fashion company full of classes.  Most are $36 for 90 minutes of instruction, and attendees can take individual courses whenever they are held, but they must be physically near to New York City or Long Island/Nassau County.  You can learn more about it here.

The “What’s Your Body Type?  Now Dress For It” class, for example, includes:
–Topics such as an analysis of your present style
–A real measurement of key body areas
–A professional determination of your true body type
–Techniques to create the illusion of a slimmer (or custom) look
–Slides showing ways to dress for it and how to create a wardrobe for it
–How to use items already in your closet to pull your new look off.
What are some quick and creative ways I can market the event calendar and reach the right people—women who want or need to look and dress their best?
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  • Christine Buffaloe

    Cathy, this is a fantastic product to bring to market. I would love to have something like this to put a wardrobe together. As I am not in New York, I could no avail this.
    I really suggest that you put a video or MP3 together for those of us that are not in your area. I certainly would purchase the product.
    I would also suggest creating a biz page on Facebook to promote as well.

  • Ann Mulhern

    Cathy–invite people via social marketing to “Turn in their : Spouse; Mom; best friend etc” That is how the cable TV shows get an audience–Make up a nice invitation that the person can show their victim the invitation invites them to a movie event that will make them happy or something (wine tasting?). Point out that there is limited seating, and charge for the invitation just like you do your seminar…that’s their ticket in. … Tell the person they have to reserve their seats in advance, and turn your service into a ‘gift’ people buy and give instead of something that might make them (the receiver) feel self conscious.An event or a gift. Could be a fun date night if you structure it that way.

  • Rekaya

    Narrow your target audience. For example, for the “6 Steps for Fashionably Fitting the Voluptuous Woman,” create flyers and distribute them to plus-sized stores in the area.
    Your current target audience could work if you use social media. Try catching their attention with buzz words such as “Fashion Trends in the Workplace,” “What to Wear to an Interview with Your Body Type,” and “Dressing for Less.”

  • etc. Communications

    As a former event manager and fundraiser, I never had to cancel an event due to lack of paid registrants. While there are numerous tricks of the trade, here is one: Try to co-op the event with a non-profit. Give a percentage of ticket prices to the charity. They can help you publicize the event and, as sponsors, can help you sell tickets. Hope this helps.

  • Marcia Yudkin


    I know it’s counter-intuitive, but you can get much better attendance if you narrow your topic.

    Women who know they have an hourglass figure (for example) would much rather pay to attend a workshop where they know all the content pertains to them than to pay for and sit through a workshop where only a percentage of the content pertains to them.

    Good luck,
    Marcia Yudkin

  • Bob Shultz

    Have you marketed your plan with area health clubs and fitness centers? That would focus on women who want to look and feel better. Also, weight loss centers….Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers.etc. They have clients who are often losing large amounts. Many are shopping for new wardrobes. What better time for them to find out about you and your service? See about a link on some of those websites. Be sure to include testimonials from satisfied clients.

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