Dog Tweets–What Digital Marketing Might Look Like In 2015

twitter birdHere are my Top 10 tweets from this past week, great for retweeting! If you missed these, follow The Publicity Hound on Twitter.

What Digital Marketing Might Look Like In 2015
2015 will see much more disruption and challenges for the marketing industry. We are an industry in flux. For some, this is great news. For others…

Four of the Best Marketing Tools in 2014
Top tools for this year in marketing and social media. Here’s four links with tips and tricks to kick start your day.

The Sweet 16: Business Wire’s Most Read, Viewed and Shared Content of 2014
Business Wire shared their articles, videos and blog posts that your communication colleagues turned to this year so they can help you launch successful communications program in 2015!

Your Year-End Business Blog Review
As December draws to a close and we count down the last days of 2014, you may want to take stock of your business blog. Now is a great time to run some numbers and look at the data to find out which strategies worked well and which need to be improved or dropped.

Building A Better Business By Thinking Like Amazon
This past Tuesday, Business Insider posted their full fifty-minute live, one-on-one conversation between Business Insider founder, Henry Blodget and Bezos from their Ignition – Future of Digital conference. It is very raw and direct.

Special free e-book to you: The Best of the Publicity Hound’s Tips of the Week
Here’s a gift that’s perfect for small business owners, a nonprofit that needs publicity, authors who want to sell more books, or anyone who wants to self-promote on a shoestring budget and without an expensive publicist.

3 Clever Steps To Use Multiple Graphic or Pattern Sheets in Canva [VIDEO]
When you’re using Canva, there are a variety of images you can start off with to complete your own creative personalized image.

4 Easy Steps to a Happy Festivus: Video & Infographic
Avoid the stress of holiday preparations by celebrating Festivus – just follow these 4 easy steps!

What Was YOUR Most Popular Post of 2014?
What is the most popular post on your blog this year? Can you see why it was popular? And more importantly – what can you learn from it that will help you for your content next year?

Learn Twitter Lingo with the Twictionary Infographic!
Pin the Twictionary infographic and brush up on your Twitter lingo!

Author MarketingBloggingBook MarketingPhotos & GraphicsSocial Media
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