Dog Tweets – The Difference Between a Press Release and a Pitch

Here aretwitter bird my Top 10 tweets from this past week, great for retweeting! If you missed these, follow The Publicity Hound on Twitter.

The difference between a press release and a pitch.
WHETHER YOU’RE A RETAILER announcing a store opening or a vendor announcing a market event, knowing the difference between a press release and a pitch, when to use them, and how to write them increases your chances for publication and media coverage.

11 keys for prompting a journalist to quote you
Want to stand out from all the others who jump into the fray as ‘subject experts’? Follow these guidelines.

How to protect yourself against social media hackers.
Most marketing communications departments have a process for internal or external crisis – but how many people ever face the actuality their Twitter or Facebook account might get hacked!? So how can we, professional communications people, protect ourselves against being hacked and keeping our online brand reputations in tact?

If all you hear is silence after pitching a story idea about your business, this could be why. 
A decade ago, expecting to hear from journalists after delivering a pitch was frustrating. Today, it’s almost impossible. Why?

Media need attys, consultants, accountants & other sources to help understand Obamacare. 
The deadlines are rapidly approaching for employers to let employees know what they’re going to experience under health care reform. 75 percent of employees said they think their employer will educate them about changes to their health care coverage as a result of health care reform.

3 mistakes that kill a media interview. 
Memory studies consistently find that people forget the vast majority of what they read, hear, or see, especially if they are exposed to the information just one time. For optimum sticking power, your messages should be free of three key things: wordiness, jargon, and abstractions.

9 reasons you (and your readers) can’t resist a list.
I have a friend who works at a very big national publication and is a genius at making lists for the web. Her lists go viral and generate millions (I mean literally millions) of pageviews. Why? It isn’t magic. It’s psychology. For various reasons lists are almost impossible to resist. We asked a few shrinks to explain.

6 AP style rules for press releases.
There’s more to writing a press release than you might think. Read on to learn how to make sure your press releases follow commonly-held stylistic procedures.

When to start publicizing a book? Long before you publish. [Great video!]Publicist Marika Flatt explains the best time frame to start a PR campaign for your book, which is usually months before your book is published. Marika lays out a timeline that can get you started on the right foot.

4 Ways To Boost Social Engagement And Put Some Zing Into Your Marketing 
Are you all hooked up with a social account – or two or twelve – but still doing the whole “post something useful” thing because you’ve been told to “add value” by giving your audience something helpful? Here are four simple, engaging ways to put a bit of zing into your social marketing and maybe even get something out of it, too.

Building TrafficDog TweetsMedia LeadsMedia RelationsPitch MediaPress Releases
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