Dog Tweets of the Week– #AmazonCart – Add items to your Cart without leaving Twitter

twitter birdHere are my Top 10 tweets from this past week, great for retweeting! If you missed these, follow The Publicity Hound on Twitter.

#AmazonCart – Add items to your Cart without leaving Twitter.
#AmazonCart is easy to use – when you discover a tweet with an product link, simply reply to that tweet with “#AmazonCart”, and the product will be added to your Shopping Cart.

How ‘offline’ PR has changed
It’s not enough to only concentrate on the task at hand anymore. Try to always look ahead and see how you can combine offline and online PR to always stay relevant in your community’s mind.

Tips for Making Sure Editors Don’t Skip Over Your Email Pitch
Take some time to research the writer you are emailing. Find out what type of writing style they prefer, and tailor your subject to their interests. At the same time, avoid being too friendly. If an editor is offended, annoyed, or otherwise bothered by your emails, he or she will blacklist you. Getting sent straight to spam is a very bad thing if that person is the gatekeeper to a major digital publisher.

5 Things Visitors Don’t Want From Your Author Blog
Don’t waste your time doing things on your author blog that turn your readers away. This post gives you five things your readers don’t want from your author blog.

Surviving Dangerous Personalities
What does modern PR stand for? Brian Solis says its People and Relationships.

5 Ways to Grow Your Blog Without Relying on Google Traffic
One thing often overlooked: getting that traffic is only a part of the game – you still need to know what to do with it. Remember that you’ll need to focus on maintaining that traffic – so focus on creating an ongoing conversation and way to continue the dialogue. Landing pages are key here, providing you a quick way to get information from and to your reader.

Weathering the Storm
Healthy Niche Newspapers and how they’re staying in business.

5 outdated PR tactics and their modern equivalents
From circulation numbers to embedded URLs, event attendance to social presence, and direct mail to text messages, PR is evolving.

Your Business Blog Sweet Spot: How-to get it and keep it
Good content builds momentum and always has an objective. Therefore your content needs to trigger an action. That’s the way you engage readers to respond.

5 Things You Can’t Blog Successfully Without
Blog successfully and you can smile all the way to the bank. Your website traffic will grow, your company will flourish, and your reputation could swell to the point where business finds you.


BloggingBook MarketingBrandingEmail PitchesGoogle+
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