Do you buy ads? Offer a testimonial for free publicity

Layout of a magazine page, in blue and whiteI’m all about generating free publicity, so you don’t have to pay for ads.

But if you buy ads,  here’s a little trick that may very well give you more space—this time for free—in newspapers and magazines, and even online.

Offer a testimonial on the power of the ad—how it generated more customers, phone calls, orders or whatever. Several people I know have been featured in full-page testimonials in daily newspapers, magazines and business journals.

Here’s one I saw this week.

On Page C6 of Tuesday’s Wall Street Journal, Christa Carone, corporate vice president and chief marketing officer for the Xerox Corp., was featured in a full-page ad touting how a partnership with The Wall Street Journal helps Xerox attract corporate customers who are “Ready for Real Business.”

“Ready for Real Business” was the name of the expensive ad campaign Xerox launched in September last year. It focused on the company’s  relationships with clients like Procter & Gamble Co., Target Corp., Ducati, the New York Mets, the University of Notre Dame and Marriott International Inc. All allowed their brand names to be used in the campaign.
Results of WSJ Ad

Here’s part of Carone’s testimonial:

Christa Carone of Xerox“When we launched our ‘Ready for Real Business’ campaign, we did it in a big way in The Wall Street Journal, and with high-impact front-page units in The Wall Street Journal Digital Network.

“In print and online, the Journal allows us to engage decision-makers in relevant Xerox case studies. When these readers click through to our website, they are already attuned to our content and ready to take action.

“It’s the right audience. The most relevant content. And it gets results.”


Display and Classfieid Ads

I’m guessing that the WSJ ad rep for the Xerox account asked to feature Carone in the display ad testimonial . But newspapers don’t always follow up like that.

Remember this the next time you buy an ad and it generates great results. That includes classifieds, which have been desimated by Craigslist. Newspapers will be more than eager to let you tell the world that it was money well-spent. 

Also see:

Offering testimonials can pay publicity dividends for years

Special Report #48: Smart Tips for Free, Cheap and More Effective Ads

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