Create your own infographics at

Are you as fascinated with infographics as I am?

They’re everywhere these days, and you can’t spend much time on Twitter, or surfing the web, without stumbling across one.

Create your own at, a start-up that allows anyone to quickly and easily create professional quality designs with their own data. When you’re ready to show your work to the world, publish it on your profile, your own personal showcase. Here’s what Mashable says about the site.    
The Publicity Hound vs. Oprah

I don’t have any data at my fingertips that I’d like to use as the basis for an infographic, so I created an account and then chose one of their templates that lets me compare my Twitter stats with those of a celebrity. I chose Oprah, and told I want a “Faceoff.” I let access my Twitter account, and then chose my hairstyle, hair color, eye color and skin color. Just a few clicks of the mouse and—voila!—you can see how we compare (I’m definitely NOT a rocker, and if only I were that skinny!).

Go ahead. Create your own Faceoff with your favorite celebrity or Twitter friend and share the link below so we can see how you compare. Or, choose “What Kind of Facebook Monster Are You? Create a Custom Monster from Your Facebook Stats.” This site has at least one bug. I tried comparing my Twitter stats with those of Martha Stewart, and she appeared as a man.

What do you think of Do you know of similar sites that let you create infographics this easily? If so, have you used them in a PR or publicity campaign? Don’t forget to share your link below.

If you like this tip about, sign up for my free ezine in the box at right. Publicity, PR and marketing tips every Tuesday and Saturday.


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  • B2B Marketing News » Weekly Reads for April 30, 2012

    […] Create your own infographics at from The Publicity Hound’s Blog Create your own infographic at, a start-up that allows anyone to quickly and easily create professional quality designs with their own data. When you’re ready to show your work to the world, publish it on your profile, your own personal showcase. […]

  • Teri Blaschke

    I enjoyed your infographic. Oprah is staggering isn’t she. I follow your tweets and Oprah’s don’t really interest me (I do watch them to see what all the fuss is about.)

    • Joan

      Do you think Oprah really tweets? Or do you think she has an army of people who do it for her?