Create animated graphics for PR with free generator

Did you ever land at a blog, and spend more time staring at the clever graphic than you did reading the post?

I have. The same way you landed here and stared at the one above, wondering, “How did she do that?”

Easy. It’s one of the 10 free generators, most of them animated, at

Here are some ideas for using these cool graphics in a publicity or marketing campaign.

The Talking Tomato

If you work in the food industry, use the Talking Tomato at your website. Let’s say you teach kids about healthy food. You can explain the nutritional benefits of tomatoes.

Create your own Animation



The Talking Cat

Humane societies and pet shops will love the talking cat. Simply insert the HTML code at your website. And then sponsor a contest to see who can come up with the most clever sayings for the cat. Award fun prizes.

Keep it fresh. Sponsor the contest again every few months.
Create your own Animation


The Newspaper

Bloggers, I’ll bet this newspaper generator will come in handy when you’re writing about a topic and can’t find a photo anywhere to accompany it. It isn’t animated. But you can create your own headline and write your own story:

















The Cigarette Pack

Does your product or service help people to quit smoking?

Create your own cigarette pack and come up with a clever saying. You can use the graphic in your online press room and even offer it to journalists. I love the saying on the sample SMOKEME cigarette pack at their website:













Other Options

You can also choose from the Ninja (the one you were staring at at the top of this blog post), a clapper board perfect for people in the movie industry, talking squirrels, animated wizard text, talking flowers and talking owls.

Don’t forget Flickr, the social media site for uploading photos and videos. See 9 ways to use Flickr to promote your business.

OK, Hounds. It’s your turn. Use the generator to create a graphic that you could use in a publicity or marketing campaign. Post it in the comments section below. Or if it’s at your website or blog, link to it.

If for some reason it won’t show up correctly in the comments section, open a Notepad document, paste in the HTML code and send it to me as an attachment. Do not put it in the body of the email. If I get enough clever ones, I’ll feature some of them next week.

P.S. Comments at this blog are moderated, which means they won’t appear here until I approve them. What tools do you use that are similar to these? Did you find the free generator as easy to use as I did?

More Tools to Help You:

FlickrFree PR ToolsPhotos & Graphics
Comments (9)
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  • Christine Buffaloe

    This was so fun, I just had to give it a try! I can’t wait to use it in my next blog posting.

  • Chase Sherman

    Joan, just to add to your tools…

    If people wanted to create their own attention-grabbing banners there’s also a free software called GIMP ( which is the equivalent of Photoshop…


  • Chris

    Thanks Joan! Always in the market for making my posts “fun”!

  • Linda

    Where do you come up with this stuff?! I’m assuming these will work in an html newsletter also. Thanks for the great resources!

    Here’s a tutorial on how to use to create a word cloud:

    This could be used to compile words that relate to your blog topic.

  • Connie Sweet

    Joan these are great tips for adding eye-catching graphics. Can I throw out a caution for everyone though? Go Easy on the animated gifs! Use graphics to enhance your message – too much going on in a website can quickly distract the viewer and reduce your credibility. I feel so strongly about this we started a campaign for our mission to get rid of Ugly Websites. Anybody interested can learn more: . Thanks Joan I always value your wisdom.

  • Karen Zapp, copywriter

    Hi Joan,

    I’ve used two of these graphics in two different blog posts; including one today tied to the Mid-Atlantic earthquake.

    Here are the links: … Act Immediately to Shake Up Your Nonprofit Publicity … Donor Acquisition – Lessons Learned

    Thanks for sharing the idea, Joan. I like it!

    • Joan

      Glad you were able to use these at your blog, Karen. Spread the word to others!