Consultants, Coaches: Jump on Trump with Your Best Advice

Donald Trump your advice for

I’ve been waiting—it seems like forever—for someone other than a political pundit to dredge up some timely publicity by offering advice to the world’s ultimate Publicity Hound, GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Finally, someone did.

Image consultant Sandy Dumont’s August newsletter included an interesting before-and-after critique of Donald Trump’s suit, shirt and tie, his body language—and even his hair.

Donald Trump item in Dumont ezine

Why Trump’s Before-and-After Works

Here’s why this feature works so well:

It’s timely. And Trump isn’t fizzling yet, so this story has long legs.

It’s interesting. Regardless of whether you love him or hate him, you can learn a thing or two from Sandy’s tips about how to dress for success.

It’s apolitical. Notice that next month, she’ll be critiquing a Democrat. I’ll bet many readers will click on next month’s issue. I know I will.

Publicity Ideas for Coaches, Consultants, Experts

Here are my ideas on how to piggyback off the Trump phenomenon. Don’t mention whether you like Trump or would vote for him. Share your expertise, not your political views. 

Speech Coaches:
Offer critiques of the candidates’ stump speeches, debate performances and media appearances. Contact your local TV station and see if they’d be interested in featuring you periodically, particularly after a major news event. Tell them you are “the local angle.”

Hair Stylists:
If Trump could sit in your chair, how would you style or color his hair?  Use a hairstyle makeover app to show us what he’d look like. Offer commentary for other presidential candidates.  

Branding Experts:
Is his hair “hands off” because it’s part of his brand?

Business Experts:
Comment on whether you think Trump cares about a boycott of his hotels, casinos and other properties if he runs as an Independent. Is it worth the risk for him? Do boycotts ever work?

Leadership Consultants:
Are excellent leaders ever vulgar? Any examples from history? Does this add to or take away from their ability to lead?

Social Media Experts:
Which presidential candidates have the most to learn about how to reach audiences on social media? Here’s an interesting analysis by author David Meerman Scott, who crunched the numbers and concluded that Trump is leading the social networking primaries by a landslide.

Parenting Experts:
What can Trump teach parents about parenting? Trump told CNN yesterday “I keep whining and whining until I win.”

We know very little about Meliana Trump, his wife, but she’ll start appearing everywhere as he continues to surge in the polls. Is she First Lady material?  

Entrepreneurial Experts:
Mrs. Trump sells her jewelry on QVC and has a popular line of anti-aging products. What can she teach entrepreneurs about product marketing?

I know you can think of more ideas. If you’re stumped, do a Google search for “donald trump” and see what you find. That’s how I came up with the ideas above. 

Trump might not need your advice—or mine. But we need the publicity. 

Have I sparked an idea two for you? Or do you have ideas for others? If so, share them below.

2016 ElectionDonald TrumpPromoting Expertise
Comments (4)
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  • Patricia Weber

    Love these ideas Joan. I’m thinking about the boycott one. And will further search for ideas – THIS could go for quite a while, couldn’t it?

    • Joan Stewart

      Unless Trump starts to slip significantly in the polls, this story will indeed last for awhile.

  • Tonya GJ Prince

    Hi Joan,

    Just wanted to thank you for the service that you provide by way of these posts. Your advice is so valuable and really levels up the quality of PR and social media. Thanks again.