Consultant needs help launching new product for biz leaders

Anne Graham of Vancover, British Columbia writes:

“I’ve developed a great toolkit for business leaders with 33 specific techniques they can use to lead their firms out of the recession.  It’s called “Recession Proof and Recovery Ready: The 91 Day Business Tune-up Toolkit.” 

It’s a 314-page physical product, stuffed full of every instruction, checklist, etc. that they’ll need to understand and implement each of the 33 ideas.  It’s designed to be implemented by a small team, so the product is actually a set of 10 binders (one for each team member), plus a DVD virtual seminar.

“I’m about to do a launch with a wonderful Online Launch Manager handling my tweets, blogs, Facebook, LinkedIn, SEO, article marketing, the whole nine yards.  But I’d love to hear some creative ideas from fellow Hounds on how THEY would reach an audience of motivated business leaders in their city or town. 

“I have a compelling free ebook called Powerful Pricing Strategies: 10 High Impact, Low Risk Ways to Increase Prices…Even During the Recession, Even Before the Recovery, at It’s vailable to Hounds and those motivated business leaders I’m looking for.  All I need now is a stampede of traffic!

“Can your Hounds help?”

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  • Eric Gruber

    Hi Anne,

    First of all — I want to tell you that you’re definitely on track. Now, when you do article marketing, I’d target top websites and ezines. For example, (they have member blogs), CEO Refresher and hundreds more that can be found in my article submission site database at:

    I’d also be creating a LinkedIn group like the one I have. On search for article marketing experts. Post your articles there as well as other groups related to your topic and audience. And, don’t forget to put these articles on your Facebook fan page.

    Also, don’t forget to turn your articles into videos and submit them on sites like YouTube and Viddler.

    Lastly, I suggest creating a squeeze page where you offer some of the tools and templates for free. This gives prospects a sneak preview of what’s to come. For example at:, I offer you 3 free article templates. This gives my audience a feel for what I have to offer and helps them choose whether or not they want to buy the complete product.


    • Joan

      Great tips, Eric. Anne should also be answering questions on LinkedIn.

      When you answer a question, LinkedIn lets you add three website URLs where people can learn more information. One can be the landing page where she offers her ebook. The other two should be other people’s websites.

      This positions you as helpful and it shows that you aren’t promoting just yourself.

      • Anne Graham

        Terrific, Joan! I’ve added that to my “to do list” as I have a lot of knowledge to share that I think would be of value to Linked-in users. Thanks!!

    • Anne Graham

      Hi Eric, many thanks for the input! Ezine marketing and Linked-in are key elements of my strategy, so your suggestions about etc. and posting on Linked in are much appreciated. I’ve created a squeeze page with a free eBook entitled Powerful Pricing Strategies: 10 High Impact, Low Risk Ways to Increase Prices… Even in a Recession, Even Before the Recovery. I’ve also created 10 short Powerful Pricing Strategies videos, and the first one is posted at, so I’m on track there! Great suggestions, and much appreciated.

  • Flo Selfman

    Send the information to Karen E. Klein, leading business journalist who writes the InBox column every week in the Los Angeles Times Business section. Karen could use you and your product to answer a reader’s question. Reach her at

    • Joan

      Flo, this is a fabulous tip.

      Karen has contacted me several times to answer questions in her column.

    • Anne Graham

      Hi Flo, this is a terrific suggestion. I’ll contact Karen, and I’ll also research similar writers across the country. And I love the “great writers…” quote on your website!

  • Joan

    Video, video and more video!

    Create short videos of no more than two and a half minutes packed with tips in a specific sub-category within your course or your ebook.

    Each video should include the landing page URL where people can opt into the ebook.

    The more videos you create, the more keywords, or tags, you can use. All those keywords and videos will be pulling in traffic from the search engines.

    • Anne Graham

      Absolutely. I’ve become a “video queen” in the last couple of weeks, and now that I’m started, I’m unstoppable! 11 and counting as you’ll note in my reply back to Eric. Thanks for all your help and advice, Joan, you’re a great role model. Cheers, Anne