Join Me on a Blab May 5 for Email List-building Tips

Blab: How to Use social Media to Build an Email ListAn email list of people in your target market who have given you permission to mail them may well be the most valuable tool in your self-promotion toolbox. It certainly is in mine.

I’ve been building an email list for more than 15 years, and many of my readers ask me for the magic bullet that builds a qualified list quickly.

So far, I haven’t found it.

What I have found are many ways to build a list, including those on social media.

For example, my LinkedIn profile includes  one Project and one Publication that lets people know I publish email tips on how to get free publicity a twice-a-week. They both lead to this page, which I use to “sell” people on the benefits of signing onto my list. I created the page using LeadPages (affiliate link). It lets you build beautiful opt-in pages and sales pages. 

I’ll share more tips when I’m a guest on a Blab hosted by social media expert Melody Jones from noon to 1 p.m. Eastern Time on Thursday, May 5. It’s called “How to Use Social Media to Build an Email List.” If you’re familiar with Blab, you can register here. If not, keep reading. 

How to Join Us on the Blab

Blab is a live-stream app that lets you watch and participate in interviews, talk shows, casual hangouts, debates and other discussions.

To join, you must have a Twitter account. You also must sign up for Blab and link it to your Twitter account. You’ll find a complete list of instructions in this article about The Ultimate Guide to

If you want to join us on camera and ask a question, you’ll be able to do that. Melody will give you instructions on the call.  Or lurk. watch and learn. 

Hope to see you Thursday!

In the meantime, here are some helpful articles I’ve written on email marketing:

Why Ignoring Email Marketing Hurts You

21 Ideas Authors can Use When Sending Email to Fans

Email Marketing for Authors: Your Questions Answered

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