9 ways to use these 9 PR posters

 List of 9 PR topics listed separately on office posters

Here’s a clever example of content creation, courtesy of the folks at  Prezly.com, a communications platform that helps companies communicate with the media, influencers and their communities.

It’s a series of 9 PR posters for your office walls, in a printable format. You can see the titles of the nine posters on the screenshot above.

But what if you don’t want to plaster your walls with posters? Here are my nine ideas on how to use them:

1. Each of these images, or the entire package, is perfect for sharing on social media, particularly if you work in PR. 

2. Write a blog post that goes into more depth on just one of the nine topics, and link to the posters, like I’m doing here.

3. Speakers, ask permission to use one or more posters in your handouts, with attribution.

4. Or use them as part of a presentation you’re giving, with attribution.

5. Hosting a PR or marketing event? Some of these would make nice giveaways tucked inside swag bags. 

6. Authors, mention this free tool in your next PR or marketing book.

7.  Frame one and give it to a favorite client. 

8.  Give them to a college student who’s majoring in PR or marketing.

9. Finally, borrow the “office poster” idea and come up with your own set of posters for people in your industry.

Have I missed any? What would you do with these posters?

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