9 easy places to find content for your blog

If you’re blogging, or you want to start a blog but you’re afraid you won’t have enough content, forget  the binoculars!

You don’t have to look far to find it. It’s all around you.

The trick is to be aware of it, learn how to recycle it, and be willing to tweak it, edit it, and repurpose it for different audiences.

Here are nine places to look to find more than enough topics to write about.

  1. In your email box. When someone asks you a question, answer it, and then include the question and the answer in a blog post.
  2. In print newsletters and ezines for your industry. What’s the hot prediction for this year, and do you agree with it?
  3. At other people’s blogs. (Comment on the post at your own blog, and link to it.)
  4. In newspaper and magazine articles. Excerpt a tip or two from an article you’ve just read, with attribution, and comment.
  5. At conferences, seminars and workshops you attend. Mention something you’ve learned and explain how you’re going to apply it. 
  6. On your own wish list. Discuss something you want to do in your business, or your life, before you die.
  7. In your office. Write about the best (or worst) computer equipment and other tools you use.
  8. On TV. If a show or character you saw ties into your topic, write about it.
  9. On your to-do list. What are your goals for 2010?

Want 68 more sources for blog content? They’ll be on the handout you’ll get when you register for my teleseminar on “Time-saving Tips for Smart Business Blogging” at 4 p.m. Eastern Time on Wednesday, Jan. 20, with Patsi Krakoff.

Only a few seats remain. The handout, which I’ll email on Wednesday morning, has lots of other goodies you’ll love.

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