7 online promotion tools for professional organizers

Use free online promotion tools like Pinterest, Vine, Instagram and SkypeThere’s a place in my heart for professional organizers, perhaps because I need one at my side every waking minute of every day.

While looking through old blog posts, I found one titled Professional organizer needs promotion ideas, and it generated lots of comments from my readers. But that was five years ago!

Today, there are so many new tools on the market, most of them free, that let organizers or anyone else promote up a storm!

Here are some of my favorites, with my ideas on how professional organizers can use them.

1. Pinterest

Pin photos of anything to do with organizing and having a clearer, more attractive looking home or office. Almost 9,000 people are following organizer Laurie Reeve’s 158 boards on Pinterest.

Anyone who works in an occupation that’s visual, like professional organizing, should consider Pinterest. 

2. Vine

The app that let’s you shoot six-second videos that loop would be perfect for “before” and “after” shots of a client’s home or office, with their permission, of course. Vine can be a little tricky, so watch SharonVaknin walk you through all the things you can do with Vine. An associate holds the camera and taps the screen to record video of her assembling a lunch salad.

If six seconds is too short, see the next tip.

And if you don’t pin regularly, you might not be aware of eight recent changes on Pinterest.   

3. Instagram

Instagram, owned by Facebook, took the Vine idea and expanded it to let you shoot a 15-second video. 

Also see How to use Instagram video to grow your brand and The differences between the Vine and Instagram apps.

4. Shoot “talking head” videos using your iPad.

Until now, shooting video has been so confusing because there are so many moving parts.

My friend Mike Stewart (no relation) shoots, edits and uploads video using just one piece of equipment: his iPad and a $5 app. That wonderful combination, he says, has gotten him out of the “I hate video” rut. He now cranks out lots of videos which he can upload to his YouTube channel and to his other social media sites. 

I’m hosting a free webinar with him this Thursday, July 12, from 4 to 5:30 p.m. Eastern Time called “Tablet (iPad) Video and the Social Media Quadfecta.” Register here

5. Google Hangouts. 

Why not host a series of free Google Hangouts, or just one, for people who need tips on one specific aspect of staying organized. For example, how to keep your desktop organized. 

You can promote the Hangouts on the social media sites, at your blog, and in your electronic newsletter.

6. Submit a guest blog post for high-traffic blogs that reach your target market.

Make sure the blog appeals to people in your target audience. Finding influential blogs is easier with Inkybee, a free (for now) tool that lets you search by keyword or keyword phrase.

You can also look for bloggers who need the kind of content you can provide (as well as find guest bloggers for your own blog, at BloggerLinkUp.com

7. Offer journalists a Skype interview.

Many newspapers and magazines offer video at their websites. Journalists can record a Skype interview with you. You can discuss, in depth, an aspect of the topic that they’re going to mention only briefly in the story.

Example: A business reporter is writing a story for the local business journal on how you help clients keep digital documents well-organized. A Skype interview could feature your tips on how to keep photos organized.

I tend to throw all of mine into one folder, and it’s a nightmare searching through the entire mess when I’m looking for something I know is there, but I can’t remember the name of the photo.   

Read more about how to offer journalists and bloggers a Skype interview

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You can also follow my Pinterest board on 50 Tips for Free Publicity.

BloggingFree PR ToolsFree PublicityFree Social Media ToolsMedia RelationsPinterestVideo Marketing
Comments (2)
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  • Dave Schneider

    Hey Joan,

    Great list of tools here! I am actually developing a tool myself for influencer outreach that I think fits nicely in this group. I’d love to have you as a beta tester when it’s ready. Just send me an email.

    Dave at NinjaOutreach

    • Joan Stewart

      Thanks for stopping by, Dave. Yes, let me know when you’re ready to beta test. I’d love to see it.