5 Ways Your Bank Can Help You Sell More Books, Products

Grafton BankOne of the best ways to sell books is to do a book signing or author event at your local library because libraries are publicity machines.

I was reminded of that this week when I visited the Grafton, Wisc., branch of U.S. Bank where I do my banking. While standing in the short line waiting for a teller, I saw a poster and bookmarks advertising a book signing for New York Times best-selling author Elizabeth Berg. The event is at 1 p.m. today at the U.S.S. Memorial Public Library in Grafton.

The  author is from the Chicago area and she’s on a book tour to promote “Make Someone Happy.” I helped myself to a bookmark in the plastic display stand. On the drive home, I started thinking of all the ways banks can help you sell more books or products.

Here’s my list. It doesn’t apply only to authors but to anyone selling products or services.

1. If you’re doing a book signing or event at your local library, let the library know where you do your banking.    

Several banks might be willing to put your marketing materials on display. But you might have better luck at the branch where you do business. After all, you’re a loyal customer, right?

2. Ask if you can use their community room.

Several banks have community rooms they let people use for free. If the room is big enough, you can do a free class and sell your products afterward. Make sure the class offers value. It should be more than just a free commercial for your product. If they say yes, ask the bank to promote the event on social media, and you do the same. 

3. Ask for a short article in their print or email newsletter.

Make it easy for them. Write it yourself. If they don’t have room for a long article, write a short tips list. 

4. Ask them to post a flyer on their bulletin board.

My bank has flyers for a wide variety of community events.  

5. Ask for envelope stuffers.

Banks mail materials to their customers frequently. If you’re willing to pay for a marketing piece about your event at their bank, they might be willing to insert it inside envelopes along with other materials they’re sending anyway.

The next time you’re inside your bank, look around for other opportunities to partner with them. When they say yes to your request, make sure you share information about it on places like Facebook and Twitter. Tag the bank so they know you’re promoting them.

What have I missed? What other ways can banks help publicize you?

Authors & PublishersBook MarketingEvent Publicity
Comments (4)
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  • Jan Marshall

    You are so clever JOAN and always a wealth of information for authors.
    Thank you ever so much.
    I wish you the Best of Everything.
    …Jan Marshall

    GoDaddy is currently revitalizing my website though all my other sites are available on FB, LINKEDEN and Twitter @janmarshmellow

    • Joan Stewart

      Thanks for your kind words, Jan. And thanks for stopping by.

  • Gail Sideman

    My community-oriented bank frequently highlights local businesses owned by people that have accounts there.

    Awhile back they allowed me to display one of my authors and it was a great hit. It was before the holidays and the display generated a lot of attention and sales.

    Of course those were the days when people routinely went INTO their bank branches. Today, many do their transactions online and only visit the bank for the ATM.

    Consider whether your branch gets a decent amount of foot traffic before you go to the expense of printing something special.

    • Joan Stewart

      Good point, Gail. My bank doesn’t get a lot of traffic inside but enough that I wouldn’t hesitate to use it as one more marketing tool.